2023 Opioids & Naloxone (NARCAN) Virtual Training for School Nurses

August 22, 2023 · 1-3 P.M. · Virtual Event

We are looking forward to another Opioids & Naxolone Training for school nurses and other school staff responsible for administering Narcan® in the event of an opiate overdose. This virtual event is hosted by the Rayce Rudeen Foundation in collaboration with the WSU College of Pharmacy.

The training covers:

  • Washington State’s mandate of naloxone
  • Current data about the increase in opioid use, especially fentanyl
  • How naloxone works in the body and its role in opioid reversal
  • Identifying signs and symptoms of possible overdose situations where naloxone might  be warranted
  • When to use it (identifying signs of overdose)
  • The different types of naloxone and how to administer them
  • How to apply the steps for responding to an opioid overdose
  • School protocol, storage of Narcan®, and best practices/staff support after administration of Narcan®
  • Protocol for supporting students who received naloxone and their families

Clock hours will be available for those who have registered through their PDEnroller login. Follow this link to register!  

The zoom link is included in the attachment below  https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/WAOSPI/2023/06/08/file_attachments/2521926/Aug%2022%20Narcan%20Training%20SaveTheDate.pdf   Passcode: 331401

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